Ingrown Nail - Nail Braces
Treatments for ingrown nails
An ingrown toenail usually affects the big toe. The lateral edge of the nail usually presses deep into the nail fold and thus leads to complaints.
The main symptom of an ingrown toenail is local, sometimes very severe pain. Under certain circumstances, not even the blanket on the diseased toe can be endured. In the further course, it can also lead to nail wall inflammation or so-called "wild meat" (Caro luxurians) can form.
The following causes can lead to an ingrown nail:
- Wearing the wrong footwear (shoes that are too tight or too pointed)
- False nail cut with cutting out the corner of the nail
- Growth disorders of the nails
- Foot and toe deformities
- Genetic disposition
Treatment options
An ingrown nail can be treated very well, surgical removal is generally not recommended.
If the inflammation is severe or if wild meat is already present, this should be treated first. The ingrown nail chip should be removed by an experienced podiatrist as soon as the patient's pain permits. In the further course, the nail fold can be protected with tamponades or sulci protectors (small plastic tubes that are pushed onto the nail). However, in order to permanently correct the nail, a nail correction brace (orthonyxia brace) can be applied.
Nail clip
Over 15 different nail braces are now available. A major difference lies in the use of the brace. There are clips that are glued to the nail and clips that are hooked under the nail on one side or both sides. For example, the Onyclip brace is attached to the nail with two dots of adhesive gel. The brace itself consists of a 4 mm wide, coated, spring-hard stainless steel, so that the patient can feel the tensile force immediately after the brace is attached. Another alternative is a wire clip that is individually adjusted to the nail. Such a brace consists of two end hooks that are hooked under the nail on both sides. The two ticks are connected with another element. Due to the three individual components, the tensile force can be individually adjusted to the patient, so that relief can be felt immediately after the braces have been put in place. The nail fold is permanently relieved by the continuous pull of a nail correction brace, a faulty growth of the nail is corrected and the physiological nail growth is promoted
Regular check-ups by a podiatrist are recommended for all types of braces. As the nail grows, the braces should be moved and readjusted to the nail. The duration of the brace therapy depends on the severity of the ingrown nail and is determined individually, but can last several months.
Through the combination of medical and podiatry services, both severely inflamed and slightly ingrown nails can be treated and cared for in the best possible way. We create an individual therapy concept for each case in order to achieve rapid healing success.
Further information can be found at dermasthetics.
Nail Treatments / Podiatry
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