Skin Cancer Prevention
Your specialists for modern skin cancer prevention
Regular skin examination is a preventive check-up that should be included in your personal health plan. Skin cancer is becoming more common. In Germany alone there are around 250.000 new cases (white and black skin cancer) per year. With timely treatment, there are very good chances of recovery. Timely diagnosis and regular preventive care are therefore very important. A skin cancer check-up should be carried out every year, but at the latest after 2 years.
We carry out over 1000 skin cancer treatments every year.
If you come for skin cancer screening, we take a lot of time for you. We examine the entire skin thoroughly from head to toe, so that we can optimally examine and analyze all skin changes.
Computer-aided analysis and documentation
In our dermatologist's practice, we use the most modern equipment to examine your birthmarks / moles and skin changes. Brilliant microscopic images with 20-70x magnification are created with innovative camera technology. In this way, suspicious birthmarks can be distinguished from harmless skin changes.
Conspicuous moles and moles are documented and archived by our dermatologists using a state-of-the-art video documentation system. At the regular check-up appointments, these recordings are used to check whether there are any changes in the complexion. This avoids unnecessary excisions.
Noticeable skin changes
If a birthmark has changed noticeably, it may have to be surgically removed. We can do this on an outpatient basis in our practice. A histological examination of the removed tissue gives the certainty that the malignant material has been completely eliminated. If you have skin cancer, you will also receive a skin cancer pass that is tailored to you.
Classic Dermatology
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