Early detection of HPV‑related carcinomas - Prevo-Check®
Prevo-Check® early detection of HPV‑related carcinomas
In rare cases, human papillomaviruses (HPV) can cause cancer in the mouth and throat as well as in the anogenital area. HPV is widespread and approximately 80% of all sexually active people will be exposed to the virus at least once in their lives. In rare cases, the virus begins to actively interfere with the life of the affected skin cells, resulting in changes that are referred to as pre-cancer. The cells can then begin to multiply uncontrollably and then develop into tumors if this is not detected in time.
HPV vaccination protects against infection with cancer-causing HPV. The vaccination commission therefore recommends vaccination between the ages of 9 and 14, but no later than the 18th birthday.
With the help of the Prevo-Check®, in addition to our thorough skin cancer screening, we use a new test method for the early detection of HPV-induced cancer, which very reliably detects antibodies against HPV in the blood. By using this test, precancerous lesions are detected earlier. These can then usually be treated more successfully with gentler therapy methods than advanced tumors.
How is the examination performed?
For this purpose, we carry out the Prevo-Check® quick test. A drop of blood is taken, for example from the fingertip, after a waiting time of only 20 minutes your result is available. If the test result is negative, there is nothing further to do. We then recommend repeating the test annually. If the test result is positive, which means that antibodies could be detected in the blood, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out. Since the antibodies circulate freely in the blood, the test offers no indication of the localization of what is happening. In the event of a positive test result, an interdisciplinary, targeted search for suspicious lesions should be carried out.
Who should be examined?
A Prevo-Check® is recommended for all patients over the age of 40. It is particularly recommended to carry out the rapid test for
Risk patients who, due to their lifestyle or previous illnesses, are particularly likely to develop HPV-related tumors. Risk factors include:
- High tobacco use (smoking, snuff or chewing tobacco)
- Regular alcohol consumption
- Persistent HPV16 infections in yourself or your partner
- Patients who have had an HPV-related tumor in the past
- Patients with condylomas
- Immune deficiency or
- Immunosuppression
Classic Dermatology
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- Skin Cancer Prevention
- Early detection of HPV-related carcinomas
- Pediatric Dermatology
- Acne
- Psoriasis
- Couperose/rosacea
- Neurodermatitis
- Warts
- Fungal infection
- Actinic Keratoses (cornification disorders)